...don't forget a
music-score (partitura)
is just a very detailed
plan of planning
Keren Rosenbaum was born and brought up in Israel. Her music and composition education began at the age of 7 with composer Lev Kogan, continued with Arik Shapira and Leon Shidlovsky until she moved to The Hague, Netherlands at the age of 21 and continue to study composition, electronic music and music education in the Royal Academy studying with Giljius Van Bergeijk, Diderik Wagenaar, Roderik de Man, Klarenz Barlow and Louis Andriessen. later moving to NY she completed her masters in Brooklyn College studying with Tania Leon and Amnon Walman.
In 1999 following the success of initiating and curating the first interdisciplinary music festival (first of it’s kind) she founded the REFLEX Ensemble, a worldwide community of musicians and various artistic forms, this innovative performative approach to music, stage and new technology. The success of this concept have produced performances, exhibitions, workshops, and ongoing project and became the main voice to express Rosenbaum’s unique art form she named Reflexive Music.
In 2011 Rosenbaum founded the Composing Community Global Org. which is the home of the ALP (Active listening Playground) Academy. The ALP Academy is dedicated to spread the ideas and tools of Reflexive music and with growing dedicated students around the world an increase demand of workshops and events are continuing to engage others in this innovative communication approach for listening (reflexive listening) and to expand the language to involve as many communities as possible. (among the standing out communities, composed with the tools of ALP we find Morocco, Finland, Rwanda, Netherlands, Israel, Germany, USA, Northern Ireland, UK and many more)
In her compositions, Rosenbaum employs pre-recorded soundtracks, live electronics, contemporary notation, and her signature conducting-via-earphones technique. While structured and choreographed, the music allows for a degree of freedom that both provides room for personal expression and demands a higher sense of aesthetic responsibility from each performer. In 2009 her composition 'Inbetween' was published and described as a leading notational concepts by Theresa Sauer in her book Notations21 resulting in an ongoing worldwide collaborations, workshops and exhibitions.
Often described both by listeners and performers as "passionately inventive" and "on the edge", with the quality of making one experience deeply and unforgettable the act of the music. (...like a rollercoaster ride) In 2011-12 the project Listening Revolution (www.liteningrevolution.org) took off and became an international success. At home she initiated the new "composing community" REFLEX Active listening playground (ALP) as she transformed the a quiet NJ village to a wild creative listening playground including the fire, police, library, train station and the high school band together with the town people into a collaborative community performance
The success led to creating more community compositions in Holland, US and her latest project The Opera Game in Finland where Helsinki's main art, theater and music academies all collaborated creating a powerful music, drama and visual performance.